domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

Abbas & Erekat vs OLP?

Enquanto eu estava tentando ajudar a angariar fundos para a campanha do Norman e recapitulando a carnificina na Faixa de Gaza em 2014 que os israelenses chamaram Operation Protective Edge, no dia 22 de agosto, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen jamais faria isso, ou faria?) demitiu-se do Comitê Central da Organização de Libertação da Palestina, a famosa OLP, único organismo que reúne, desde os primórdios, todas as facções palestinas.
Levou consigo dez colegas da velha guarda, dentre eles, Ahmed Majdalani, Mahmoud Ismail,  Ghassan Al-Shak'a, Hanan Ashrawi e Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala).
Esta demissão vem sendo criticada até por membros do Fatah e é vista como um golpe a mais na união nacional. Porém, acho que o cartunista local Khalil Abu Arafeh foi quem melhor definiu esta manha de Abbas na charge ao lado, que mostra o Conselho Nacional da Palestina  em forma de um velho hospitalizado necessitando sangue novo.
Mas esta demissão voluntária de Abbas não afeta seu cargo de presidente (interino, já que seu mandato terminou legalmente em 2009) da Autoridade Palestina nem a as pretensas negociações de "acordo de paz".
Porém, implica em uma reunião do CNP no prazo de um mês como dita seu estatuto quando 1/3 se demitem - artigo 14C da Carta da OLP, que é constituída de 18 membros eleitos pelo CNP.
A última reunião do Comitê foi há 20 anos. Foi este comitê que, então na presidência de Abu Amar (Yasser Arafat) assinou os Acordos de Oslo. Só que a reunião marcada para o dia 15 de setembro não será em Amman, onde o CNP foi baseado para facilitar a presença dos líderes políticos exilados, e nem terá o apoio de todos.
A reunião em questão deverá acontecer em Ramallah, sem quorum, já que o CNP é constituído de 740 membros repartidos entre os territórios palestinos ocupados - Cisjordânia e a Faixa de Gaza - e a diáspora.
É certo que nem os residentes em Gaza nem os exilados obterão autorização para participar e a ala mais fisiológica do Fatah será maioritária. Já que os melhores estão presos, e os líderes do Hamas estarão ausentes por estarem em Gaza, presos ou em exílio forçado.
Abbas talvez conseguisse que os repsentantes gazauís pudessem ir a Ramallah, mas o Hamas recusou essa "mãozinha" por desconfiar de uma armadilha em que acabariam atrás das grades israelenses como dezenas de militantes e simpatizantes que têm sido presos na Cisjordânia desde maio de 2014.
Mesmo assim, há quem espere que haja uma renovação durante a reunião do CNP; como eu não sei. Pelo menos até esta data.
Alguns otimistas esperam a eleição de um comitê mais jovem e mais ativo do que o atual, bastante envelhecido; tipo Thereza Batista do Jorge Amado. Mas acho difícil, a não ser que algo extrordinário aconteça daqui lá.
A OLP é a única instância nacional autorizada a tomar decisões em nome da Palestina. Sua autoridade é superior à de presidente e primeiro ministro - Mahmoud Abbas e Ismail Haniyeh - segundo o último voto dos palestinos em 2006.
Enquanto isso, Saeb Erekat, proximíssimo de Abbas, assumiu a presidência da OLP - após Abbas demitir Yasser Abed-Rabbo do cargo por tê-lo criticado. E para completar, Abbas assinou um decreto presidencial na quinta-feira passada ordenando o fechamento do polo palestino no Geneva Initiative, implementada pela Palestinian Peace Coalition presidida por Abed-Rabbo.
Até os intelectuais palestinos laicos estão irritados com seu presidente: "It's all theatrics. It is highly possible that the PNC will refuse to accept the resignations or will reelect the same members agains. Abbas is living in denial. The PA hasn't cared for years that they don't have the support of the Palestinian street. Are we expected to suddenly believe they genuinely want reform? The PA isn't interested in real reform. They are just interested in getting rid of opponents and displaying a visage of reform, " disse o analista político Samir Awad, da Universidade palestina Birzeit.
Benedetta Berti, analista política do INSS (Israel's Institute for National Security) concorda com o professor palestino: "If these resignations lead to a genuine reshuffling of the committee it will be a good step. However, I'm sceptical. Abbas displays strong centralizing tendencies like his predecessor Yasser Arafat. Unlike Arafat, Abbas doesn't have the charisma or political clout to carry it off.'
De fato, o governo autocrático de Abbas não é criticado apenas pelo Hamas. Além da dissidência de Jenin e Nablus, muitos membros do Fatah estão descontentes com a turma que controla a Autoridade Palestina com pulso de ferro e acham esta última manobra um "silly game".
Até o ex-protegido de Abbas, hoje em desgraça, Muhammad Dahlan, que foi para Dubai esconder-se de acusação de corrupção e suspeita de cumplicidade inclusive no assassinato de Yasser Arafat, acusou seu ex-protetor, Abbas, de promover divisão política. (Dahlan foi o grande vilão na divisão entre o Fatah e o Hamas na Faixa de Gaza - Blog 23/06/13). E este mesmo Dahlan instou, segundo alunos da Birzeit University, seus simpatizantes a votarem no Hamas em vez do Fatah nas eleições estudantis. Prefere o inimigo ao amigo que o traiu. Mahmoud Dahlan é perigoso e ambicioso. Tem de ficar de olho nele.
Por outro lado, o ex-ministro de Abbas, Salam Fayyad, que demitiu-se em 2013 (apesar de sua popularidade junto ao Quarteto), por discordar do Presidente, foi surpreendido no mês passado com a AP confiscando os fundos de uma ONG que preside, sem explicação. A decisão já foi cancelada em Tribunal.
O problema é que, como diz Benedetta Berti: "Corruption, patronage, authoritarism, the silencing of dissent and the arrest of critics are endemic to the Palestinian Authority".
A Associated Press,  que vive à cata de podre palestino e ignora os israelenses, denunciou recentemente novos casos leaked on line. Toda tentativa de obter explicação do governo é infrutífera.
A brutalidade da AP contra seus oponentes políticos também é notória. A Palestinian Civil Authority for the Independence of the Judiciary Body and Rule of Law - ISTIQLAL - vive ocupada com os inúmeros casos de prisão arbitrária (como foi o caso de Zakaria Zubeidi - Blog 30/12/12) e tortura no cárcere.
Desde 2009 que Abbas ameaça demitir-se. Mas desta vez, segundo fontes próximas do presidente de 80 anos, a coisa é séria. A gota d'água foi o convencimento de Abbas que o Hamas não estava realmente interessado em reconciliação e sim em um  acordo direto com Israel.
Quem informa que a decisão de Abbas é irreversível diz que será uma aposentadoria honrada. Porém, a manha é arriscada e imprevisível. E chega em hora errada e não honrada, já que Abbas fracassou em todos os planos, concretamente. Falou, ameaçou na Unesco, na ONU, mas na hora H, deixa por menos.
No plano internacional, passou anos negociando Acordos de Paz com Israel&EUA e nesse ínterim a Cisjordânia foi só perdendo território, os cisjordanianos perdendo moradia, lavouras e terra, e a Faixa de Gaza sendo asfixiada; e no plano interno, nunca conseguiu (nem tentou realmente) reverter a divisão com o Hamas que dura desde junho de 2007. E este erro cimentou a separação política da Cisjordânia e da Faixa de Gaza, deixou o Hamas e o Jihad Islâmico fora do consensus nacional e exluídos de várias decisões da OLP das quais deveriam ter participado. O problema teria sido resolvido com eleições. Mas não: E o medo de perder e ter de deixar o poder? O poder é a droga mais nociva em qualquer lugar do planeta.
Durante os dois últimos meses tem se falado muito no tal Acordo entre Israel e o Hamas negociado pelo vampiro Tony Blair em nome do ex-Quarteto para o Oriente Médio. De fato Blair esteve com o presidente do Hamas Khaled Meshaal em Doha duas vezes nas últimas seis semanas. Teriam discutido o fim do bloqueio com a abertura de um corredor marítimo entre a Faixa e Chipre e um longo cessar-fogo.
Khaled confirma as negociações, mas Netanyahu nega qualquer passo nesse sentido.
Mas como o presidente do Hamas é muito mais fiável do que o primeiro ministro de Israel que só pratica hasbara, dá para acreditar que Mahmoud Abbas está furioso porque realmente foi deixado de lado - devido à sua incompetência em resolver o problema da Faixa nos nove anos que os gazauís vivem à míngua enquanto a cúpula da Autoridade Palestina leva a vida na flauta.
Porém, até agora nenhum Acordo foi concretizado. Isto é certeza até a hora em que este artigo vai ao ar.
Concluindo, qualquer que seja a manobra de Mahmoud Abbas e de Saeb Erekat com esta demissão coletiva do CNP, sem eleições na Palestina inteira, a OLP não será reconstituída democraticamente e continuará sem o apoio popular que tinha durante o governo de Yasser Arafat. Já que é bem provável que o Hamas e o Jihad não participem.
Se a velha guarda ultrapassada, e acomodada ao status quo em que vive até bem, tivesse o mínimo de bom senso, veria que a única saída para a crise política é restituir a pluralidade efetiva da OLP e convocar eleições gerais e irrestritas. Quem sabe até incluindo os palestinos condeandos ao exílio.
Como todos os males vêm para bem, este golpe de Abbas serviu pelo menos para acordar os políticos e os 12 milhões de palestinos dos territórios ocupados e da diáspora. E quem sabe a surpresa venha de fora.
Se não vier de trás das grades, de Marwan Barghouti, ou do outro Barghouti, Mustafa, que pode tentar endireitar a OLP com ajuda dos intelectuais. Sonhar não custa nada.

Irmã e mãe de impedem que soldado da IDF sequestre irmão/filho de 12 anos durante passeata pacífica.
Graças à presença dos ativistas estrangeiros do ISM, os soldados "pegaram leve", 
mas jogaram uma bomba lacrimogêneo só pelo prazer de maltratar. 
Depois os soldados covardes voltaram mais numerosos, mais armados e levaram um palestino e um dos ativistas estrangeiros: Two people violently arrested at peaceful demonstration in Nabi Saleh. 08/29/15
Divide et ImperaBinyamin Netanyahu is not known as a classical scholar, but even so he has adopted the Roman maxim Divide et Impera, divide and ruleUri Avnery.  
Palestinians build case against Israel at ICCA decision to challenge Israel on alleged war crimes at the ICC could put immense pressure on the Palestinian Authority.
West Bank village protests extension of Israeli wallIsrael's continued construction of an illegal separation wall will cut off Beit Jala's residents from their land.

sign this petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes 
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.
NB: Sentindo a perda de terreno, o fabulador que era porta-voz de Bninyamin Netanyahu até o mês de agosto, foi nomeado embaixador de Israel no Reino Unido. Está encarregado de usar hasbara & lobby sionista para "convencer" a classe política a apoiar Israel e mudar a opinião pública. 
The great deceiver Mark Regev, is the new Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdon.

quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2015

Rogue IDF : O. P. E. Epílogo

sign this petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes 
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.

Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo  
In an 11-part series exclusive to Byline, Norman Finkelstein subjected Amnesty International’s reports on Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s summer 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip, to a forensic critique. But why is it important to keep organizations like Amnesty honest? Jamie Stern-Weiner, who is co-authoring a forthcoming book, How to solve the Israel-palestine conflict, with Finkelstein and Mouin Rabbani, sat down with Finkelstein to discuss the politics of human rights organizations, and their role in the struggle for justice in Palestine.

Remembering the dead of injuries caused during Israeli OPE. 
Palestinos mortos em 2014 de ferimentos durante a OPE.
Source/Fonte: IMEMC-International Midlle East Media Center2015.
August 29 - 29 de agosto
1. Mohammad al-Ma’sawani, 22, Gaza 
2. Widad Abu Zeid, Rafah
September 02 - 02 de setembro
1. Bassem ‘Ajjour, 55, Gaza.
2. Ziad ar-Reefy, 9, Gaza.
September 03 - 03 de setembro
1. Nasser Abu Maraheel, 42, Nusseirat – Gaza
September 04 - 04 de setembro
1. ‘Etaf Mohammad ‘Ajrour (elderly), Gaza City.
September 06 - 06 de setembro
1. Mahmoud Suleiman Sheikh Eid, Rafah
September 08 - 08 de setembro
1. Mohammad Ibrahim ar-Reyati, 22, Rafah.
September 09 - 09 de setembro
1. Rahaf Abu Jame', 5, Khan Younis.
September 10 - 10 de setembro
1. Samira Hasan al-Louh, 53, Central Gaza.
2. Abdul-Fattah abu Salmiyya, 72, Rafah.
September 14 - 14 de setembro
1 Anas Taiseer al-Hinnawi, 22, Jabalia.
September 19 - 19 de setembro
1. Ayman Ziad Abu Jibba, 23, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (killed when Israeli unexploded shells detonated)
2. Abdullah Jibril Abu Aser, 24, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (idem)
3. Mohammad Riyadh Abu Aser, 24, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (idem)
October 04 - 04 de outubro
1. Jamal Abu Lebda, 50, Khan Younis.
October 10 - 10 de outubro
1. Arafat Suheil Tafesh, Tuffah - Gaza.

Neste epílogo do aniversário da Operation protective Edge, cedo a palavra a Max Blumenthal, jornalista estadunidense judeu especialista no "conflito" Israel vs Palestina e conhecedor da ocupação no terreno.
Max Blumenthal: The 51-Day War (book that I strongly recommend)
Max is an award winning journalist and bestselling author. His previous books include Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013, Nation books):

DN: Has the World abandoned Gaza?

Russel Tribunal on Palestine: Blog do dia 05/10/2014

Enquanto a prisão-campo de concentração Faixa de Gaza vive confinada, aterrorizada por drones que a sobrevoam dia e noite e devastada por bombas de dois em dois anos e bombardeada uma vez por semana, na Cisjordânia, os meninos são mal-tratados com a mesma violência, de outro jeito. Dê uma olhada no documentário australiano abaixo.
A 48-Year Long SinAs a Jew, an Israeli, and a former soldier, I cannot forget, and I expect the same of the society to which I belong. I expect us all to question the orders that guide our soldiers in Gaza. What was the policy that informed hese orders? Is this more ›

Stone Cold Justice

We Won’t Be Silenced. Our appeal to the Israeli public is derived from the understanding that, in a democratic country, the public citizenry is responsible for the policies and actions of their state, and it’s the same public’s responsibility to change the path along more ›

Solução cidadã? Boicote Israel!
AJ: People and Power

Anti-Sionismo não tem nada a ver com anti-semitismo!!
Mensagem para Gil & Caetano e outros "ingênuos" do gênero 

quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2015

Rogue IDF: O. Protective Edge 50° Dia

Help get Binyamin Netanyahu arrested for war crimes
sign this petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes 
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.

Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo  
$90,000! We Tried, Tried, Tried, and We’re Almost There!

A Palestinian child protests in front of Israeli soldiers near Beit El Baraka
Terça-feira, dia 26 de agosto de 2014 
Operation Protective Edge ended with no concrete gain for the Palestinians, as we can see one year later, while Israel has been making a lot of money out of the devastation it caused. As always.
Fim da OPE com nenhum benefício concreto para os palestinos, pois Israel não cumpriu a palavra e o bloqueio e os bombardeios continuam com a mesma impiedade na mesma impunidade. 

AJ+: Numbers behid the destruction in Gaza

This ceasefire is noo different from 2012', so...

Operation Protective Edge ended with no concrete gain for the Palestinians, as we can see one year later, while Israel has been making a lot of money out of the devastation it caused. As always.

Remembering the dead during Israeli offensive on Tuesday, August 26.  And those who died of their earlier wounds later on 2014. 
Below, only Palestinian identified victims. 
Nome dos mortos palestinos no dia 26 de agosto e dos que morreram dos ferimentos em 2014.
Source/Fonte: IMEMC-International Midlle East Media Center2015.
1. Mohammad Mo’in Abu ‘Ajwa, Gaza City.
2. Hasan Omar as-Awwad, Gaza City.
3. Shadi ‘Oleiwa, 26, Gaza City.
4. Salem Mohammaden, 26, Gaza City.
5. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Thaher, 49, Gaza City.
6. Samer Midhat Hamad, 24, Gaza City.
7. Mohammad Majdi Za’anin, Beit Hanoun.
8. Yousef Ghannam, Rafah.
9. Mohammad Saleh ar-Ribaty, 18, Rafah.
10. Ahmad Kamel Jarboa’, 26, Rafah.
11. Omar Husam al-Breem (Child, Rafah.
12. Mohammad Husam al-Breem (Child).

August 29 - 29 de agosto
1. Mohammad al-Ma’sawani, 22, Gaza 
2. Widad Abu Zeid, Rafah
September 02 - 02 de setembro
1. Bassem ‘Ajjour, 55, Gaza.
2. Ziad ar-Reefy, 9, Gaza.
September 03 - 03 de setembro
1. Nasser Abu Maraheel, 42, Nusseirat – Gaza
September 04 - 04 de setembro
1. ‘Etaf Mohammad ‘Ajrour (elderly), Gaza City.
September 06 - 06 de setembro
1. Mahmoud Suleiman Sheikh Eid, Rafah
September 08 - 08 de setembro
1. Mohammad Ibrahim ar-Reyati, 22, Rafah.
September 09 - 09 de setembro
1. Rahaf Abu Jame', 5, Khan Younis.
September 10 - 10 de setembro
1. Samira Hasan al-Louh, 53, Central Gaza.
2. Abdul-Fattah abu Salmiyya, 72, Rafah.
September 14 - 14 de setembro
1 Anas Taiseer al-Hinnawi, 22, Jabalia.
September 19 - 19 de setembro
1. Ayman Ziad Abu Jibba, 23, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (killed when Israeli unexploded shells detonated)
2. Abdullah Jibril Abu Aser, 24, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (idem)
3. Mohammad Riyadh Abu Aser, 24, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (idem)
October 04 - 04 de outubro
1. Jamal Abu Lebda, 50, Khan Younis.
October 10 - 10 de outubro
1. Arafat Suheil Tafesh, Tuffah - Gaza.

Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence 
60. Columns of smoke everywhere, the neighborhood in pieces
Rank: Staff Sergeant.   Unit: Armored Corps.   Area: Deir al-Balah area:
There was one afternoon that the company commander gathered us all together, and we were told that we were about to go on an offensive operation, to ‘provoke’ the neighborhood that dominated us, which was al-Bureij. It dominated us in terms of altitude, people, view. When I say to ‘provoke,’ I mean we shoot a bit, blow up a few things, show them that we’re in there –and maybe that will draw the terrorists out to respond and then we can hit them. Because up until then, we hadn’t really had any real engagement with them. 
The way the offensive took place was, when it started getting dark my tank led the way, we were in a sort of convoy, and there was this little house. And then suddenly we see an entire neighborhood opening up before us, lots of houses, it’s all crowded and the moment we got to that little house, the order came to attack. 
Each [tank] aimed at whichever direction it chose, and then we fired a whole lot at the little house with machine guns and also one shell to make sure there was no threat inside. And suddenly I see the whole neighborhood in front of me, and then there’s stress, and confusion over the radio, and the commander was really improvising, and suddenly he tells me: “You see that house? Fire there.” Boom, I shoot. “Go, driver, go forward,” and the driver goes a bit forward and we get to a sort of alley. “You see the house on the left? Fire at it.” Boom, we fired, and we were just, like, purposelessly firing. 
There was no intelligence on this or that house – it was just my platoon commander and myself deciding to fire at it because you have to fire, you have to ‘provoke.’ It could well be that people were killed inside, but there really wasn’t any intelligence on those specific buildings. And that’s how it went on. “You see that house in front of you? Shoot.” He also asked me, “What can you fire at? Whatever you can physically see, fire at it.” Like, “Feel free.” And that’s how it was, really – every tank just firing wherever it wanted to. And during the offensive, no one shot at us – not before it, not during it, and not after it. 
I remember that when we started withdrawing with the tanks, I looked toward the neighborhood, and I could simply see an entire neighborhood up in flames, like in the movies. Columns of smoke everywhere, the neighborhood in pieces, houses on the ground, and like, people were living there, but nobody had fired at us yet. We were firing purposelessly

In the Aftermath - Após a carnificina
C4 - Children of Gaza (2010 - after Operation Cast Lead in 2008/09)

terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2015

Rogue IDF: O. Protective Edge 49° Dia

Help get Binyamin Netanyahu arrested for war crimes*
sign this petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes 
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.

*Already 80,000 in UK demand Netanyahu arrest. Ali Abunimah

Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo  

Segunda-feira, dia 25 de agosto de 2014  
Cairo proposes a new ceasefire initiative and Israel prepares to cause heavy human and material damage before a long term deal takes effect. Just as it did in Lebanon and in all military operations in the Palestinian Occupied Territories since the Naqba.
Remembering the dead during Israeli offensive on Monday, August 25. Below, only Palestinian identified victims. 
Nome dos mortos palestinos no dia 25 de agosto.
Source/Fonte: IMEMC-International Midlle East Media Center2015.
  1. Yassin Ibrahim al-Biltaji, 23, Gaza.
  2. Farhana Ibrahim al-‘Attrar, 48, Beit Lahia.
  3. Osama Mohammad Shbeir, 25, Jabalia.
  4. Hani Mohammad Yassin, 20, Gaza City.
  5. Raddad Ahmad Tanboura, 78, Beit Lahia.
  6. Saad Bassem aj-Jour, 21, east of Gaza City
  7. Abdullah Murtaja, journalist, Sheja’eyya
  8. Bassem Hassan Hijazi, 36, Gaza City
  9. Ahmad Taysir Fahmi al-Daali, 28, Gaza City
Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence
80We would take a pot and stick a shirt in it, and then shit on the shirt
Rank: Staff Sergeant. Unit: Infantry. Area: Khan Yunis:
We started walking, while being accompanied by artillery fire, mortars, the Armored Corps and the Air Force. We walked up till we where 100 meters from the houses and opened up cover fire on them using Mk 19 grenade launchers (grenade machine guns) and two MAGs (machine guns). We fired a few grenades and shells at the houses. According to our maps the house was supposed to be surrounded by a concrete wall. But there wasn’t any concrete wall, just a wobbly fence I could have broken with my bare hands. The plan was to make a hole in it using a MATADOR (anti-tank rocket) and then detonate explosives in the house. That didn’t happen. There was an opening in the fence, and we went through it. We used the explosives in the house, made an entry hole in the wall. There were no terrorists there, nothing. We made a hole and everyone went in ‘wet’ (using live fire). We ‘sterilized’ the first two rooms ‘wet.’ This house had four rooms, so another two guys came in and sterilized another room, also ‘wet,’ and another two guys did the last room, also ‘wet.’ Once the house was sterilized, the entire force went in.
What does ‘wet’ involve?
Grenades, if necessary. But for this house we didn’t use grenades. Because of the explosives the entire house was gray with smoke and dust in the air so you couldn’t see anything.
What did the house look like?
A single-family arab house, one for which construction hadn’t been completely finished. You could tell people had fled from the house – there were beds, mattresses, furniture. Outside every house we were in there were ducks, goats, donkeys, dogs. Every house we got to we would immediately go to the animals and make holes in their cages for them so they could escape.
After you ‘sterilize’ [the house], what’s the next step?
The entire force enters, you make sure the whole force is inside, that everyone arrived, and you prepare the house for defense. You set up a MAG shooting post, an Mk 19 shooting post; you make holes in the wall through which to shoot. In the end you have a post on each side. When the house is ready and all the posts are ready to fire from, you set up cover – sandbags, closets, beds – and when everything is ready and there are people manning the posts, you can rest.
How many soldiers were you with?
We were a platoon of 13, 14. The arabs, they have tons of mattresses and pillows in every house. To rest you use either the beds or those mattresses or the floor, what can you do. We goofed up in the first and second houses – the explosives were placed on the concrete right by a pipe. When it was detonated the entire sewage system blew up, the place reeked. When you arrive [at a house] the officer comes over and sets rules: where to shit, where to piss. Whether or not you are allowed to go out for a second to take a piss. If we were on the ground floor of the house and it was possible, we would go out and make a ‘crap chair.’ We would make holes in a chair and take it outside, and whoever had to shit would go out with a helmet on, armed and with a bulletproof vest. The guy next to him would go out with all the equipment and a combat vest, and they would walk four or five meters from the house, and he would sit there and shit while another soldier covered for him. If it was a multi-story building we would allocate a room for shitting.
On the floor?
No, in pots. You shit into the pot and then throw it out with the pot. But afterwards we would take a pot, put a shirt in it and shit into that.
A shirt from a closet in the house?
Yeah. And then you use the shirt like a pooper scooper and throw it out the window, and the pot stays.
Was there anything left in the closet after 14 guys were in the house?
Sometimes. Sometimes. 
RT: Gaza still in ruins. Southern Israel, the new Las Vegas 
Gaza through my eyes - An american reporting from Gaza 2015
Gaza:  Life under Occupation
Dogs treated better than Palestinian Beduins
1. UN report: 3 Palestinians killed, 92 displaced in a weekThe Palestinian Information Center | Occupied East Jerusalem.

segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2015

Rogue IDF: O. Protective Edge 48° Dia

Help get Benjamin Netanyahu arrested for war crimes
sign this petitioto arrest Binyamin Netanyahu for war crimes 
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.

Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo  

Domingo, dia 24 de agosto de 2014  
The IDF pursued its strikes destroying, among other properties, a seven-story office building in Rafah; allegedly, to kill one Hamas accountant.

Remembering the dead during Israeli offensive on Sunday, August 24. Below, only Palestinian identified victims. 
Nome dos mortos palestinos no dia 24 de agosto.
Source/Fonte: IMEMC-International Midlle East Media Center2015.
  1. Yahia Saber Abu al-‘Omarein, Gaza.
  2. Bader Hashem Abu Mnei’, 18, Gaza.
  3. Mohammad Tal’at al-Ghoul, 30, Gaza City.
  4. Zeinab Bilal Abu Taqiyya, 18 months, Gaza City.
  5. Mohammad Wa’el al-Khodary, 17, Gaza City.
  6. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Louqa, 21, Beit Lahia.
  7. Mo’ayyad al-A’raj, 3, Khan Younis.
  8. Adam Ahmad Khattab, 26, Deir al-Balah.
  9. Mahmoud Ahmad al-‘Attar, 30, Deir Al-Balah.
  10. Mohammad Abu Mustafa Jouda, 8. Tal al-Zatar, Jabalia.
  11. Osama Abu Mustafa Jouda, 7
  12. Tasneem Abu Mustafa Jouda, 14
  13. Raghad Abu Mustafa Jouda, 13
  14. Rawiya Abu Mustafa Jouda, 40, (their mother).
  15. Yahia Abu Daqen, 27, Northern Gaza
Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence
79 "Everyone – from the commander all the way down – took dumps in pots"
Rank: Staff Sergeant.  Unit: Infantry.  Area: Northern Gaza strip:
I’m thinking about that poor family whose rooftop was turned into a public bathroom by the entire company, what an awful thing.
What’s this story?
At some point you need to take a crap, and at first we weren’t given the bags one stashes in one’s helmets, which are really uncomfortable, so one of the guys found a plastic chair, a simple classroom one, and unscrewed its seat, and that chair was moved from one shaded place to another shaded place. The entire battalion had diarrhea and was throwing up. How awful, I thought, it would be to come back home and discover your bathroom is clogged and half the pots in your kitchen have shit in them. Your entire roof is covered in shit, and there’s shit in your garden.
People shat in pots?
Yes. There were lots of disputes among the commanders about this. At a certain point we entered a house that had working cooking gas. First thing everyone thought was, ‘Let’s make ourselves some coffee.’ So then there was a very, very heated argument among the company commanders over whether it was legitimate or not to use it. There were some commanders who thought it was legitimate to use their coffee pot if we washed it afterwards. ‘I made a hole in their wall and floor, so what, I’m not going to make some coffee in their pot?’
So did you make coffee?
Yeah, and it was tasty. But the shitting in pots bit was very clear to everyone. There were some assholes who were just like, “What, I don’t like shitting in a helmet.” So they just shatin pots. There were very few houses that had running water in them, and in most houses there, what you have are squat toilets. But once in a while you would get to a house with a real [seated] toilet, which is a whole other world, proper hospitality... There was no running water the entire time we were in Beit Hanoun. There were some houses where I think the residents had prepared for the situation in advance – bathtubs filled with water and all kinds of things like that. The residents there saved up water because they knew what was coming. But in most houses the sewage system didn’t work and it usually overflowed very quickly. When you shit in the toilet it stays there, the water doesn’t go down. That’s on the one hand. But then on the other, if there is a toilet there – why shouldn’t I shit in it? So the simple soldiers, like good soldiers, found the ‘middle path’ themselves; they got their hands on some laundry detergent and whoever finished taking a dump would throw a handful on it. Eventually I figured out that there are some battles where it’s you fighting a wall. You need to decide where you’re going to invest your energy, with regard to discipline. Successfully upholding a routine of discipline within the platoon, while in a combat situation, is a very difficult, complicated thing. It was clear to me that I couldn’t win everything. If I wasn’t going to discipline soldiers, then besides creating a bad atmosphere and frustration for both them and me, I wouldn’t get much accomplished. So I would tell them my opinion, and explain what I thought wasn’t OK, and ultimately I let each man decide for himself, whether he sees it as OK or not. I know there was one platoon where everyone – from the commander all the way down – took dumps in pots, out of some kind of operational principle. Whatever
RT goes back to Gaza one year after OPE
AJ+ : music, survival, water!

AJ People and Power: Gaza, Deadly assaults
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